Board of Directors

President ([email protected]): Melanie C. (Violet Protest)

Vice President of Administration ([email protected]): Meghan G. (Megalicious)

Vice President of Operations ([email protected]): April E. (Purple Reyna)


Advisory Board

Outreach ([email protected]): Michelle M. (Boom Chacalaca)

Fundraising ([email protected]): Mycah R. (REX)

Human Resources ([email protected]): Sylvie L. (Edelvice)

Inter-League Travel (ILT) ( Sarah D. (Largo)

Marketing ([email protected]): Afton F. (Shadow Runner)

Merchandise ([email protected]): Valerie M. (Val Killmore)

Production ([email protected]): Heather M. (Toxic Shakti)

Sponsorship ([email protected]): Mandi M. (Slamma Montana)

Training ([email protected]): Zuly S. (SoCal Menace)


Appointed League Contacts

League Secretary ([email protected]): Claire M.  (Brickhouse)

Interim Head Skating Official (Ref) ([email protected]): Lancia S. (Chop Stewie)

Head NSO ([email protected]): Debi A.  (Trouble Clef)